Linux Startek
fortune: 221 - 225 of 225 from linux startek
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Linux Startek

Fortune: 221 - 225 of 225 from Linux Startek

Linux Startek:  221 of 225

You'll learn something about men and women -- the way they're supposed
to be.  Caring for each other, being happy with each other, being good
to each other.  That's what we call love.  You'll like that a lot.
                -- Kirk, "The Apple", stardate 3715.6
Linux Startek:  222 of 225

You're dead, Jim.
                -- McCoy, "Amok Time", stardate 3372.7
Linux Startek:  223 of 225

You're dead, Jim.
                -- McCoy, "The Tholian Web", stardate unknown
Linux Startek:  224 of 225

You're too beautiful to ignore.  Too much woman.
                -- Kirk to Yeoman Rand, "The Enemy Within", stardate unknown
Linux Startek:  225 of 225

Youth doesn't excuse everything.
                -- Dr. Janice Lester (in Kirk's body), "Turnabout Intruder",
                   stardate 5928.5.
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