Freebsd Fortunes 4: 779 of 2327 |
I would much rather have men ask why
I have no statue, than why I have one.
-- Marcus Procius Cato
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 780 of 2327 |
I would not like to be a political leader in Russia. They never know when
they're being taped.
-- Richard Nixon
I love America. You always hurt the one you love.
-- David Frye impersonating Nixon
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 781 of 2327 |
I would rather be a serf in a poor man's house
and be above ground than reign among the dead.
-- Achilles, "The Odessey", XI, 489-91
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 782 of 2327 |
I would rather say that a desire to drive fast
sports cars is what sets man apart from the animals.
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 783 of 2327 |
I wouldn't be so paranoid if you weren't all out to get me!!
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 784 of 2327 |
I wouldn't marry her with a ten foot pole.
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 785 of 2327 |
I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs or insanity
for everyone, but they've always worked for me.
-- Hunter S. Thompson
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 786 of 2327 |
I wrecked trains because I like to see people die. I like to hear
them scream.
-- Sylvestre Matuschka, "the Hungarian Train Wreck Freak",
escaped prison 1937, not heard from since
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 787 of 2327 |
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 788 of 2327 |
[Internation Business Machines Corp.] Also known as Itty Bitty
Machines or The Lawyer's Friend. The dominant force in computer
marketing, having supplied worldwide some 75% of all known hardware
and 10% of all software. To protect itself from the litigious envy
of less successful organizations, such as the US government, IBM
employs 68% of all known ex-Attorneys' General.