Freebsd Zippy
fortune: 391 - 400 of 549 from freebsd zippy
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Freebsd Zippy

Fortune: 391 - 400 of 549 from Freebsd Zippy

Freebsd Zippy:  391 of 549

One FISHWICH coming up!!
Freebsd Zippy:  392 of 549

ONE:    I will donate my entire "BABY HUEY" comic book collection to
        the downtown PLASMA CENTER ...
TWO:    I won't START a BAND called "KHADAFY & THE HIT SQUAD" ...
THREE:  I won't ever TUMBLE DRY my FOX TERRIER again!!
Freebsd Zippy:  393 of 549

... or were you driving the PONTIAC that HONKED at me in MIAMI last
Freebsd Zippy:  394 of 549

Our father who art in heaven ... I sincerely pray that SOMEBODY at this
table will PAY for my SHREDDED WHAT and ENGLISH MUFFIN ... and also
leave a GENEROUS TIP ....
Freebsd Zippy:  395 of 549

over in west Philadelphia a puppy is vomiting ...
Freebsd Zippy:  396 of 549

OVER the underpass!  UNDER the overpass!  Around the FUTURE and BEYOND
Freebsd Zippy:  397 of 549

PARDON me, am I speaking ENGLISH?
Freebsd Zippy:  398 of 549

Pardon me, but do you know what it means to be TRULY ONE with your
Freebsd Zippy:  399 of 549

PEGGY FLEMMING is stealing BASKET BALLS to feed the babies in VERMONT.
Freebsd Zippy:  400 of 549

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