Linux Men Women: 133 of 582 |
During a visit to America, Winston Churchill was invited to a buffet
luncheon at which cold fried chicken was served. Returning for a second
helping, he asked politely, "May I have some breast?"
"Mr. Churchill," replied the hostess, "in this country we ask for
white meat or dark meat." Churchill apologized profusely.
The following morning, the lady received a magnificent orchid from
her guest of honor. The accompanying card read: "I would be most obliged if
you would pin this on your white meat."
Linux Men Women: 134 of 582 |
Economists are still trying to figure out why the girls with the least
principle draw the most interest.
Linux Men Women: 135 of 582 |
Eighty percent of married men cheat in America. The rest cheat in Europe.
-- Jackie Mason
Linux Men Women: 136 of 582 |
... eighty years later he could still recall with the young pang of his
original joy his falling in love with Ada.
-- Nabokov
Linux Men Women: 137 of 582 |
Equality is not when a female Einstein gets promoted to assistant
professor; equality is when a female schlemiel moves ahead as fast as a
male schlemiel.
-- Ewald Nyquist
Linux Men Women: 138 of 582 |
Eugene d'Albert, a noted German composer, was married six times.
At an evening reception which he attended with his fifth wife shortly
after their wedding, he presented the lady to a friend who said politely,
"Congratulations, Herr d'Albert; you have rarely introduced me to so
charming a wife."
Linux Men Women: 139 of 582 |
"Even nowadays a man can't step up and kill a woman without feeling
just a bit unchivalrous ..."
-- Robert Benchley
Linux Men Women: 140 of 582 |
Every man who is high up likes to think that he has done it all himself,
and the wife smiles and lets it go at that.
-- Barrie
Linux Men Women: 141 of 582 |
Everybody is given the same amount of hormones, at birth, and
if you want to use yours for growing hair, that's fine with me.
Linux Men Women: 142 of 582 |
Farmers in the Iowa State survey rated machinery breakdowns more
stressful than divorce.
-- Wall Street Journal