Freebsd Zippy
fortune: 229 - 238 of 549 from freebsd zippy
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Freebsd Zippy

Fortune: 229 - 238 of 549 from Freebsd Zippy

Freebsd Zippy:  229 of 549

I wonder if I could ever get started in the credit world?
Freebsd Zippy:  230 of 549

I wonder if I ought to tell them about my PREVIOUS LIFE as a COMPLETE
Freebsd Zippy:  231 of 549

I wonder if I should put myself in ESCROW!!
Freebsd Zippy:  232 of 549

I wonder if there's anything GOOD on tonight?
Freebsd Zippy:  233 of 549

I would like to urinate in an OVULAR, porcelain pool --
Freebsd Zippy:  234 of 549

I'd like MY data-base JULIENNED and stir-fried!
Freebsd Zippy:  235 of 549

I'd like some JUNK FOOD ... and then I want to be ALONE --
Freebsd Zippy:  236 of 549

I'll eat ANYTHING that's BRIGHT BLUE!!
Freebsd Zippy:  237 of 549

I'll show you MY telex number if you show me YOURS ...
Freebsd Zippy:  238 of 549

I'm a fuschia bowling ball somewhere in Brittany
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