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fortune: 14 - 23 of 53 from linux news
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Linux News

Fortune: 14 - 23 of 53 from Linux News

Linux News:  14 of 53

"... And remember: if you don't like the news, go out and make some of
your own."
                -- "Scoop" Nisker, KFOG radio reporter Preposterous Words
Linux News:  15 of 53

And that's the way it is...
                -- Walter Cronkite
Linux News:  16 of 53

Earth Destroyed by Solar Flare -- film clips at eleven.
Linux News:  17 of 53

Every journalist has a novel in him, which is an excellent place for it.
Linux News:  18 of 53

Everything you read in newspapers is absolutely true, except for that
rare story of which you happen to have first-hand knowledge.
                -- Erwin Knoll
Linux News:  19 of 53

Intelligence of mankind decreasing.
Details at ... uh, when the little hand is on the ....
Linux News:  20 of 53

... Had this been an actual emergency, we would have fled in terror,
and you would not have been informed.
Linux News:  21 of 53

I only know what I read in the papers.
                -- Will Rogers
Linux News:  22 of 53

I read the newspaper avidly.  It is my one form of continuous fiction.
                -- Aneurin Bevan
Linux News:  23 of 53

I really look with commiseration over the great body of my fellow citizens
who, reading newspapers, live and die in the belief that they have known
something of what has been passing in their time.
                -- H. Truman
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