Linux Platitudes
fortune: 181 - 190 of 497 from linux platitudes
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Linux Platitudes

Fortune: 181 - 190 of 497 from Linux Platitudes

Linux Platitudes:  181 of 497

Fortune finishes the great quotations, #12

        Those who can, do.  Those who can't, write the instructions.
Linux Platitudes:  182 of 497

Fortune finishes the great quotations, #3

        Birds of a feather flock to a newly washed car.
Linux Platitudes:  183 of 497

Fortune finishes the great quotations, #9

        A word to the wise is often enough to start an argument.
Linux Platitudes:  184 of 497

Freedom from incrustation of grime is contiguous to rectitude.
Linux Platitudes:  185 of 497

Genius is pain.
                -- John Lennon
Linux Platitudes:  186 of 497

Given sufficient time, what you put off doing today will get done by itself.
Linux Platitudes:  187 of 497

God gave man two ears and one tongue so that we listen twice as much as
we speak.
                -- Arab proverb
Linux Platitudes:  188 of 497

Happiness adds and multiplies as we divide it with others.
Linux Platitudes:  189 of 497

Happiness is the greatest good.
Linux Platitudes:  190 of 497

Haste makes waste.
                -- John Heywood
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