Linux Platitudes
fortune: 191 - 200 of 497 from linux platitudes
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Linux Platitudes

Fortune: 191 - 200 of 497 from Linux Platitudes

Linux Platitudes:  191 of 497

Have a nice day!
Linux Platitudes:  192 of 497

Have a nice diurnal anomaly.
Linux Platitudes:  193 of 497

Have an adequate day.
Linux Platitudes:  194 of 497

He that bringeth a present, findeth the door open.
                -- Scottish proverb.
Linux Platitudes:  195 of 497

He who fears the unknown may one day flee from his own backside.
                -- Sinbad
Linux Platitudes:  196 of 497

He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day.
Linux Platitudes:  197 of 497

He who foresees calamities suffers them twice over.
Linux Platitudes:  198 of 497

He who has a shady past knows that nice guys finish last.
Linux Platitudes:  199 of 497

He who has imagination without learning has wings but no feet.
Linux Platitudes:  200 of 497

He who has the courage to laugh is almost as much a master of the world
as he who is ready to die.
                -- Giacomo Leopardi
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