Linux Platitudes
fortune: 301 - 310 of 497 from linux platitudes
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Linux Platitudes

Fortune: 301 - 310 of 497 from Linux Platitudes

Linux Platitudes:  301 of 497

Misery no longer loves company.  Nowadays it insists on it.
                -- Russell Baker
Linux Platitudes:  302 of 497

Misfortunes arrive on wings and leave on foot.
Linux Platitudes:  303 of 497

Mistakes are often the stepping stones to utter failure.
Linux Platitudes:  304 of 497

Mistrust first impulses; they are always right.
Linux Platitudes:  305 of 497

Moderation in all things.
                -- Publius Terentius Afer [Terence]
Linux Platitudes:  306 of 497

Moderation is a fatal thing.  Nothing succeeds like excess.
                -- Oscar Wilde
Linux Platitudes:  307 of 497

Mother is the invention of necessity.
Linux Platitudes:  308 of 497

Mum's the word.
                -- Miguel de Cervantes
Linux Platitudes:  309 of 497

Necessity has no law.
                -- St. Augustine
Linux Platitudes:  310 of 497

Necessity hath no law.
                -- Oliver Cromwell
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