Linux Fortunes: 390 of 433 |
You're definitely on their list. The question to ask next is what list it is.
Linux Fortunes: 391 of 433 |
You're growing out of some of your problems, but there are others that
you're growing into.
Linux Fortunes: 392 of 433 |
You're not my type. For that matter, you're not even my species!!!
Linux Fortunes: 393 of 433 |
You're ugly and your mother dresses you funny.
Linux Fortunes: 394 of 433 |
You're working under a slight handicap. You happen to be human.
Linux Fortunes: 395 of 433 |
You've been leading a dog's life. Stay off the furniture.
Linux Fortunes: 396 of 433 |
Your aim is high and to the right.
Linux Fortunes: 397 of 433 |
Your aims are high, and you are capable of much.
Linux Fortunes: 398 of 433 |
Your analyst has you mixed up with another patient. Don't believe a
thing he tells you.
Linux Fortunes: 399 of 433 |
Your best consolation is the hope that the things you failed to get weren't
really worth having.