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If some day we are defeated, well, war has its fortunes, good and bad.
-- Commander Kor, "Errand of Mercy", stardate 3201.7
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If there are self-made purgatories, then we all have to live in them.
-- Spock, "This Side of Paradise", stardate 3417.7
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Immortality consists largely of boredom.
-- Zefrem Cochrane, "Metamorphosis", stardate 3219.8
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In the strict scientific sense we all feed on death -- even
-- Spock, "Wolf in the Fold", stardate 3615.4
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Insufficient facts always invite danger.
-- Spock, "Space Seed", stardate 3141.9
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Insults are effective only where emotion is present.
-- Spock, "Who Mourns for Adonais?" stardate 3468.1
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Intuition, however illogical, is recognized as a command prerogative.
-- Kirk, "Obsession", stardate 3620.7
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Is not that the nature of men and women -- that the pleasure is in the
learning of each other?
-- Natira, the High Priestess of Yonada, "For the World is
Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky", stardate 5476.3.
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Is truth not truth for all?
-- Natira, "For the World is Hollow and I have Touched
the Sky", stardate 5476.4.
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It [being a Vulcan] means to adopt a philosophy, a way of life which is
logical and beneficial. We cannot disregard that philosophy merely for
personal gain, no matter how important that gain might be.
-- Spock, "Journey to Babel", stardate 3842.4