Linux Ms Fortunes: 110 of 133 |
Q: How many Microsoft support staff does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Four. One to ask "What is the registration number of the light bulb?", one
to ask "Have you tried rebooting it?", another to ask "Have you tried
reinstalling it?" and the last one to say "It must be your hardware because
the light bulb in our office works fine..."
Linux Ms Fortunes: 111 of 133 |
Q: How many Microsoft executives does it take to change a light bulb?
A: We can see no need for uninstallation and have therefore made no provision
for light bulbs to be removed.
Linux Ms Fortunes: 112 of 133 |
Q: How many Microsoft tech writers does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Twelve. One to work the bulb, and eleven to write a 1,123 page guide to
changing lightbulbs ("Learn Lightbulb Management in 21 Days").
Linux Ms Fortunes: 113 of 133 |
Q: Why is Microsoft's Product Support a failure?
A: Because Microsoft needs a Support Group instead.
Linux Ms Fortunes: 114 of 133 |
Q: What's another name for the "Intel Inside" sticker they put on Pentiums?
A: Warning label.
Linux Ms Fortunes: 115 of 133 |
Q: What do you call 50 Microsoft products in a trashcan?
A: A darned good start.
Linux Ms Fortunes: 116 of 133 |
No Microsoft products were used in any way for the creation of this message.
If you are using a Microsoft product to view it, BEWARE! - I'm not
responsible for any harm you might encounter as a result.
Linux Ms Fortunes: 117 of 133 |
In most countries selling harmful things like drugs is punishable.
Then howcome people can sell Microsoft software and go unpunished?
Linux Ms Fortunes: 118 of 133 |
Microsoft Fortune v1.1
(c) 1901-1998 by Microsoft, Corp., Redmond, USA
FORTUNE caused a general protection fault in module FORTUNE at 0123:4567.
Press [ OK ] to reboot.
Linux Ms Fortunes: 119 of 133 |
When you say "I wrote a program that crashed Windows", people just stare at
you blankly and say "Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*".