Linux Ms Fortunes: 40 of 133 |
System Error - Virus 'MS-WINDOWS' found!! Erase [Y/Y]?
Linux Ms Fortunes: 41 of 133 |
Windows 98 supports real multitasking! It can boot and crash simultaneously!
Linux Ms Fortunes: 42 of 133 |
Windows 98: Not Plug & Play, but Bug & Pay!
Linux Ms Fortunes: 43 of 133 |
Win98 error 009: Press any key to continue or any other key to quit.
Linux Ms Fortunes: 44 of 133 |
Your mouse has moved. Windows NT must be restarted for the change to take
effect. Reboot now? [ OK ]
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Do you remember when you only had to pay for windows when *you* broke them?
Linux Ms Fortunes: 46 of 133 |
Microsoft should switch to the vacuum cleaner business where people actually
want products that suck.
Linux Ms Fortunes: 47 of 133 |
The first time Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is when they
start making vacuum cleaners.
Linux Ms Fortunes: 48 of 133 |
NT (as in Windows NT) is short for "Not Trustworthy".
Linux Ms Fortunes: 49 of 133 |
NT (as in Windows NT) is short for "Not Tested".