Freebsd Murphys Law: 413 of 833 |
The most interesting specimen will not be labeled.
Freebsd Murphys Law: 414 of 833 |
Some errors will always go unnoticed until the book
is in print.
Freebsd Murphys Law: 415 of 833 |
The first page the author turns to upon receiving an
advance copy will be the page containing the worst
Freebsd Murphys Law: 416 of 833 |
(1) Never draw what you can copy.
(2) Never copy what you can trace.
(3) Never trace what you can cut out and paste down.
Freebsd Murphys Law: 417 of 833 |
The best shots happen immediately after the last
frame is exposed.
Freebsd Murphys Law: 418 of 833 |
The best shots are generally attempted through the
lens cap.
Freebsd Murphys Law: 419 of 833 |
Any surviving best shots are ruined when someone
inadvertently open the darkroom door and all of the
dark leaks out.
Freebsd Murphys Law: 420 of 833 |
If a three-story buiding served by one elevator, nine
times out of ten the elevator care will be on a floor
where you are not.
Freebsd Murphys Law: 421 of 833 |
The tendency of smoke from a cigarette, barbeque,
campfire, etc. to drift into a person's face varies
directly with that person's sensitivity to smoke.
Freebsd Murphys Law: 422 of 833 |
The distance to the gate is inversely proportional
to the time available to catch you flight.