Freebsd Murphys Law: 531 of 833 |
Return on investments won't.
Freebsd Murphys Law: 532 of 833 |
If everybody doesn't want it, nobody gets it.
Freebsd Murphys Law: 533 of 833 |
Mass man must be serviced by mass means.
Freebsd Murphys Law: 534 of 833 |
Everything is contagious.
Freebsd Murphys Law: 535 of 833 |
Nothing is ever done for the right reasons.
Freebsd Murphys Law: 536 of 833 |
The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake
that you've got it made.
Freebsd Murphys Law: 537 of 833 |
An expert is anyone from out of town.
Freebsd Murphys Law: 538 of 833 |
An expert is one who knows more and more about less
and less until he knows absolutely everything
about nothing.
Freebsd Murphys Law: 539 of 833 |
To spot the expert, pick the one who perdicts the job
will take the longest and cost the most.
Freebsd Murphys Law: 540 of 833 |
If it sits on your desk for 15 minutes, you've just
become the expert.