Linux Politics
fortune: 691 - 693 of 693 from linux politics
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Linux Politics

Fortune: 691 - 693 of 693 from Linux Politics

Linux Politics:  691 of 693

You must include all income you receive in the form of money, property
and services if it is not specifically exempt.  Report property (goods)
and services at their fair market values.  Examples include income from
bartering or swapping transactions, side commissions, kickbacks, rent
paid in services, illegal activities (such as stealing, drugs, etc.),
cash skimming by proprietors and tradesmen, "moonlighting" services,
gambling, prizes and awards.  Not reporting such income can lead to
prosecution for perjury and fraud.
                -- Excerpt from Taxachussetts income tax forms
Linux Politics:  692 of 693

You roll my log, and I will roll yours.
                -- Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Linux Politics:  693 of 693

You should never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for
freedom and liberty.
                -- Henrik Ibsen
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