Linux Men Women
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Linux Men Women

Fortune: 551 - 560 of 582 from Linux Men Women

Linux Men Women:  551 of 582

Women complain about sex more than men.  Their gripes fall into two
categories: (1) Not enough and (2) Too much.
                -- Ann Landers
Linux Men Women:  552 of 582

Women give themselves to God when the Devil wants nothing more to do with them.
                -- Arnould
Linux Men Women:  553 of 582

Women give to men the very gold of their lives.  Possibly; but they
invariably want it back in such very small change.
                -- Oscar Wilde
Linux Men Women:  554 of 582

Women in love consist of a little sighing, a little crying, a little dying
-- and a good deal of lying.
                -- Ansey
Linux Men Women:  555 of 582

Women reason with the heart and are much less often wrong than men who
reason with the head.
                -- DeLescure
Linux Men Women:  556 of 582

Women sometimes forgive a man who forces the opportunity, but never a man
who misses one.
                -- Charles De Talleyrand-Perigord
Linux Men Women:  557 of 582

Women treat us just as humanity treats its gods.  They worship us and are
always bothering us to do something for them.
                -- Oscar Wilde
Linux Men Women:  558 of 582

Women want their men to be cops.  They want you to punish them and tell
them what the limits are.  The only thing that women hate worse from a man
than being slapped is when you get on your knees and say you're sorry.
                -- Mort Sahl
Linux Men Women:  559 of 582

Women waste men's lives and think they have indemnified them by a few
gracious words.
                -- Honor'^He de Balzac
Linux Men Women:  560 of 582

Women who want to be equal to men lack imagination.
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