Freebsd Zippy
fortune: 201 - 210 of 549 from freebsd zippy
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Freebsd Zippy

Fortune: 201 - 210 of 549 from Freebsd Zippy

Freebsd Zippy:  201 of 549

I selected E5 ... but I didn't hear "Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs"!
Freebsd Zippy:  202 of 549

Freebsd Zippy:  203 of 549

I smell like a wet reducing clinic on Columbus Day!
Freebsd Zippy:  204 of 549

I think I am an overnight sensation right now!!
Freebsd Zippy:  205 of 549

... I think I'd better go back to my DESK and toy with a few common
Freebsd Zippy:  206 of 549

I think I'll KILL myself by leaping out of this 14th STORY WINDOW while
reading ERICA JONG'S poetry!!
Freebsd Zippy:  207 of 549

I think my career is ruined!
Freebsd Zippy:  208 of 549

I used to be a FUNDAMENTALIST, but then I heard about the HIGH
Freebsd Zippy:  209 of 549

... I want a COLOR T.V. and a VIBRATING BED!!!
Freebsd Zippy:  210 of 549

I want a VEGETARIAN BURRITO to go ... with EXTRA MSG!!
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