Freebsd Fortunes 2
fortune: 1221 - 1230 of 1371 from freebsd fortunes 2
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Freebsd Fortunes 2

Fortune: 1221 - 1230 of 1371 from Freebsd Fortunes 2

Freebsd Fortunes 2:  1221 of 1371

All the world's a VAX,
And all the coders merely butchers;
They have their exits and their entrails;
And one int in his time plays many widths,
His sizeof being N bytes.  At first the infant,
Mewling and puking in the Regent's arms.
And then the whining schoolboy, with his Sun,
And shining morning face, creeping like slug
Unwillingly to school.
                -- A Very Annoyed PDP-11
Freebsd Fortunes 2:  1222 of 1371

All things are possible, except for skiing through a revolving door.
Freebsd Fortunes 2:  1223 of 1371

All things being equal, you are bound to lose.
Freebsd Fortunes 2:  1224 of 1371

All things that are, are with more spirit chased than enjoyed.
                -- Shakespeare, "Merchant of Venice"
Freebsd Fortunes 2:  1225 of 1371

All this wheeling and dealing around, why, it isn't for money,
it's for fun.  Money's just the way we keep score.
                -- Henry Tyroon
Freebsd Fortunes 2:  1226 of 1371

All true wisdom is found on T-shirts.
Freebsd Fortunes 2:  1227 of 1371

All warranty and guarantee clauses
become null and void upon payment of invoice.
Freebsd Fortunes 2:  1228 of 1371

All we know is the phenomenon: we spend our time sending messages to each
other, talking and trying to listen at the same time, exchanging information.
This seems to be our most urgent biological function; it is what we do with
our lives."
                -- Lewis Thomas, "The Lives of a Cell"
Freebsd Fortunes 2:  1229 of 1371

All who joy would win Must share it --
Happiness was born a twin.
                -- Lord Byron
Freebsd Fortunes 2:  1230 of 1371

All your files have been destroyed (sorry).  Paul.
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