Linux Zippy
fortune: 111 - 120 of 548 from linux zippy
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Linux Zippy

Fortune: 111 - 120 of 548 from Linux Zippy

Linux Zippy:  111 of 548

Here we are in America ... when do we collect unemployment?
Linux Zippy:  112 of 548

Hey, wait a minute!!  I want a divorce!! ... you're not Clint Eastwood!!
Linux Zippy:  113 of 548

Hey, waiter!  I want a NEW SHIRT and a PONY TAIL with lemon sauce!
Linux Zippy:  114 of 548

Hiccuping & trembling into the WASTE DUMPS of New Jersey like some
drunken CABBAGE PATCH DOLL, coughing in line at FIORUCCI'S!!
Linux Zippy:  115 of 548

Hmmm ... a CRIPPLED ACCOUNTANT with a FALAFEL sandwich is HIT by a
Linux Zippy:  116 of 548

Hmmm ... A hash-singer and a cross-eyed guy were SLEEPING on a deserted
island, when ...
Linux Zippy:  117 of 548

Hmmm ... a PINHEAD, during an EARTHQUAKE, encounters an ALL-MIDGET
FIDDLE ORCHESTRA ... ha ... ha ...
Linux Zippy:  118 of 548

Hmmm ... an arrogant bouquet with a subtle suggestion of POLYVINYL
Linux Zippy:  119 of 548

Hold the MAYO & pass the COSMIC AWARENESS ...
Linux Zippy:  120 of 548

HOORAY, Ronald!!  Now YOU can marry LINDA RONSTADT too!!
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