Linux Zippy
fortune: 351 - 360 of 548 from linux zippy
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Linux Zippy

Fortune: 351 - 360 of 548 from Linux Zippy

Linux Zippy:  351 of 548

My mind is making ashtrays in Dayton ...
Linux Zippy:  352 of 548

My nose feels like a bad Ronald Reagan movie ...
Linux Zippy:  353 of 548

Linux Zippy:  354 of 548

... My pants just went on a wild rampage through a Long Island Bowling Alley!!
Linux Zippy:  355 of 548

My pants just went to high school in the Carlsbad Caverns!!!
Linux Zippy:  356 of 548

My polyvinyl cowboy wallet was made in Hong Kong by Montgomery Clift!
Linux Zippy:  357 of 548

My uncle Murray conquered Egypt in 53 B.C.  And I can prove it too!!
Linux Zippy:  358 of 548

My vaseline is RUNNING...
Linux Zippy:  359 of 548

NANCY!!  Why is everything RED?!
Linux Zippy:  360 of 548

NATHAN ... your PARENTS were in a CARCRASH!!  They're VOIDED -- They
COLLAPSED They had no CHAINSAWS ... They had no MONEY MACHINES ... They
did PILLS in SKIMPY GRASS SKIRTS ... Nathan, I EMULATED them ... but
they were OFF-KEY ...
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