Linux Zippy
fortune: 368 - 377 of 548 from linux zippy
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Linux Zippy

Fortune: 368 - 377 of 548 from Linux Zippy

Linux Zippy:  368 of 548

Now I'm concentrating on a specific tank battle toward the end of World War II!
Linux Zippy:  369 of 548

Now I'm having INSIPID THOUGHTS about the beatiful, round wives of
HOLLYWOOD MOVIE MOGULS encased in PLEXIGLASS CARS and being approached
by SMALL BOYS selling FRUIT ...
Linux Zippy:  370 of 548

Linux Zippy:  371 of 548

Now my EMOTIONAL RESOURCES are heavily committed to 23% of the SMELTING
and REFINING industry of the state of NEVADA!!
Linux Zippy:  372 of 548

Now that I have my "APPLE", I comprehend COST ACCOUNTING!!
Linux Zippy:  373 of 548

Now, let's SEND OUT for QUICHE!!
Linux Zippy:  374 of 548

Of course, you UNDERSTAND about the PLAIDS in the SPIN CYCLE --
Linux Zippy:  375 of 548

Oh my GOD -- the SUN just fell into YANKEE STADIUM!!
Linux Zippy:  376 of 548

Oh, I get it!!  "The BEACH goes on", huh, SONNY??
Linux Zippy:  377 of 548

Okay ... I'm going home to write the "I HATE RUBIK's CUBE HANDBOOK FOR
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