Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1251 of 2298 |
Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.
-- Oscar Wilde
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1252 of 2298 |
Pauca sed matura. (Few but excellent.)
-- Gauss
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1253 of 2298 |
Paul Revere was a tattle-tale.
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1254 of 2298 |
Paulg's Law:
In America, it's not how much an
item costs, it's how much you save.
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1255 of 2298 |
Paul's Law:
You can't fall off the floor.
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1256 of 2298 |
Pause for storage relocation.
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1257 of 2298 |
The weekly $5.27 that remains after deductions for federal
withholding, state withholding, city withholding, FICA,
medical/dental, long-term disability, unemployment insurance,
Christmas Club, and payroll savings plan contributions.
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1258 of 2298 |
Payeen to a Twang
If you dared,
I'd ask you
to go dig
up your ides under brown-
tubered skies.
where pitchforked
you will ask
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1259 of 2298 |
Peace be to this house, and all that dwell in it.
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1260 of 2298 |
Peace cannot be kept by force; it
can only be achieved by understanding.
-- A. Einstein