Linux Miscellaneous
fortune: 341 - 350 of 644 from linux miscellaneous
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Linux Miscellaneous

Fortune: 341 - 350 of 644 from Linux Miscellaneous

Linux Miscellaneous:  341 of 644

Life is like a simile.
Linux Miscellaneous:  342 of 644

Life is like an analogy.
Linux Miscellaneous:  343 of 644

Life is not for everyone.
Linux Miscellaneous:  344 of 644

Life would be tolerable but for its amusements.
                -- G.B. Shaw
Linux Miscellaneous:  345 of 644

Like winter snow on summer lawn, time past is time gone.
Linux Miscellaneous:  346 of 644

Littering is dumb.
                -- Ronald Macdonald
Linux Miscellaneous:  347 of 644

Live fast, die young, and leave a flat patch of fur on the highway!
                -- The Squirrels' Motto (The "Hell's Angels of Nature")
Linux Miscellaneous:  348 of 644

Look out!  Behind you!
Linux Miscellaneous:  349 of 644

Look!  Before our very eyes, the future is becoming the past.
Linux Miscellaneous:  350 of 644

Lookie, lookie, here comes cookie...
                -- Stephen Sondheim
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