Linux Miscellaneous
fortune: 511 - 520 of 644 from linux miscellaneous
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Linux Miscellaneous

Fortune: 511 - 520 of 644 from Linux Miscellaneous

Linux Miscellaneous:  511 of 644

The groundhog is like most other prophets; it delivers its message and then
Linux Miscellaneous:  512 of 644

The hearing ear is always found close to the speaking tongue, a custom
whereof the memory of man runneth not howsomever to the contrary, nohow.
Linux Miscellaneous:  513 of 644

The important thing to remember about walking on eggs is not to hop.
Linux Miscellaneous:  514 of 644

        "The jig's up, Elman."
        "Which jig?"
                -- Jeff Elman
Linux Miscellaneous:  515 of 644

The Killer Ducks are coming!!!
Linux Miscellaneous:  516 of 644

The last person who said that (God rest his soul) lived to regret it.
Linux Miscellaneous:  517 of 644

The luck that is ordained for you will be coveted by others.
Linux Miscellaneous:  518 of 644

The Martian Canals were clearly the Martian's last ditch effort!
Linux Miscellaneous:  519 of 644

The mosquito exists to keep the mighty humble.
Linux Miscellaneous:  520 of 644

The most important things, each person must do for himself.
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