Linux Miscellaneous
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Linux Miscellaneous

Fortune: 641 - 644 of 644 from Linux Miscellaneous

Linux Miscellaneous:  641 of 644

You can cage a swallow, can't you,
        but you can't swallow a cage, can you?
Girl, bathing on Bikini, eyeing boy,
        finds boy eyeing bikini on bathing girl.
A man, a plan, a canal -- Panama!
                -- The Palindromist
Linux Miscellaneous:  642 of 644

You can get there from here, but why on earth would you want to?
Linux Miscellaneous:  643 of 644

        "You've got to think about tomorrow!"
        "TOMORROW!  I haven't even prepared for *yesterday* yet!"
Linux Miscellaneous:  644 of 644

Zeus gave Leda the bird.
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