Linux Miscellaneous
fortune: 61 - 70 of 644 from linux miscellaneous
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Linux Miscellaneous

Fortune: 61 - 70 of 644 from Linux Miscellaneous

Linux Miscellaneous:  61 of 644

Death to all fanatics!
Linux Miscellaneous:  62 of 644

Depart in pieces, i.e., split.
Linux Miscellaneous:  63 of 644

Deprive a mirror of its silver and even the Czar won't see his face.
Linux Miscellaneous:  64 of 644

Did I say 2?  I lied.
Linux Miscellaneous:  65 of 644

Did it ever occur to you that fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing?

Or that we drive on parkways and park on driveways?
Linux Miscellaneous:  66 of 644

Did you hear about the model who sat on a broken bottle and cut a nice figure?
Linux Miscellaneous:  67 of 644

Did you know ...

That no-one ever reads these things?
Linux Miscellaneous:  68 of 644

"Die?  I should say not, dear fellow.  No Barrymore would allow such a
conventional thing to happen to him."
                -- John Barrymore's dying words
Linux Miscellaneous:  69 of 644

Dignity is like a flag.  It flaps in a storm.
                -- Roy Mengot
Linux Miscellaneous:  70 of 644

Dime is money.
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