Linux Miscellaneous
fortune: 391 - 400 of 644 from linux miscellaneous
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Linux Miscellaneous

Fortune: 391 - 400 of 644 from Linux Miscellaneous

Linux Miscellaneous:  391 of 644

No matter how much you do you never do enough.
Linux Miscellaneous:  392 of 644

No small art is it to sleep: it is necessary for that purpose to keep
awake all day.
                -- Nietzsche
Linux Miscellaneous:  393 of 644

No yak too dirty; no dumpster too hollow.
Linux Miscellaneous:  394 of 644

Nobody ever died from oven crude poisoning.
Linux Miscellaneous:  395 of 644

Non-Determinism is not meant to be reasonable.
                -- M.J. 0'Donnell
Linux Miscellaneous:  396 of 644

Non-sequiturs make me eat lampshades.
Linux Miscellaneous:  397 of 644

Nostalgia is living life in the past lane.
Linux Miscellaneous:  398 of 644

Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.
Linux Miscellaneous:  399 of 644

Not to laugh, not to lament, not to curse, but to understand.
                -- Spinoza
Linux Miscellaneous:  400 of 644

Nothing can be done in one trip.
                -- Snider
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