Freebsd Fortunes 7
fortune: 931 - 940 of 1340 from freebsd fortunes 7
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Freebsd Fortunes 7

Fortune: 931 - 940 of 1340 from Freebsd Fortunes 7

Freebsd Fortunes 7:  931 of 1340

You cannot achieve the impossible without attempting the absurd.
Freebsd Fortunes 7:  932 of 1340

You cannot choose your battlefield, the gods do that for you.
But you can plant a standard where a standard never flew.
                -- Nathalia Crane
Freebsd Fortunes 7:  933 of 1340

You cannot have a science without measurement.
                -- R. W. Hamming
Freebsd Fortunes 7:  934 of 1340

You cannot kill time without injuring eternity.
Freebsd Fortunes 7:  935 of 1340

You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back.
Freebsd Fortunes 7:  936 of 1340

You cannot see the wood for the trees.
                -- John Heywood
Freebsd Fortunes 7:  937 of 1340

You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.
                -- Indira Gandhi
Freebsd Fortunes 7:  938 of 1340

You cannot use your friends and have them too.
Freebsd Fortunes 7:  939 of 1340

You can't break eggs without making an omelet.
Freebsd Fortunes 7:  940 of 1340

You can't carve your way to success without cutting remarks.
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