Linux Miscellaneous: 320 of 644 |
Just give Alice some pencils and she will stay busy for hours.
Linux Miscellaneous: 321 of 644 |
Kilroe hic erat!
Linux Miscellaneous: 322 of 644 |
Kiss me twice. I'm schizophrenic.
Linux Miscellaneous: 323 of 644 |
Kissing a fish is like smoking a bicycle.
Linux Miscellaneous: 324 of 644 |
Knocked, you weren't in.
-- Opportunity
Linux Miscellaneous: 325 of 644 |
Know what I hate most? Rhetorical questions.
-- Henry N. Camp
Linux Miscellaneous: 326 of 644 |
L'hazard ne favorise que l'esprit prepare.
-- L. Pasteur
Linux Miscellaneous: 327 of 644 |
La-dee-dee, la-dee-dah.
Linux Miscellaneous: 328 of 644 |
Lake Erie died for your sins.
Linux Miscellaneous: 329 of 644 |
Language is a virus from another planet.
-- William Burroughs