Daily Fortunes Sep 1, 2008 - motd.ambians.com Motd - Message of the Day
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Sep 1, 2008

Humor in th Court: Q: Do you drink when you're on duty? A:...
Humor in th Court: Q: Do you drink when you're on duty? A: I don't drink when I'm on duty, unless I come on duty drunk.

Humor in the Court: Q. And lastly, Gary, all your responses...
Humor in the Court: Q. And lastly, Gary, all your responses must be oral. O.K.? What school do you go to? A. Oral. Q. How old are you? A. Oral.

Humor in the Court: Q. And who is this person you are speaking...
Humor in the Court: Q. And who is this person you are speaking of? A. My ex-widow said it.

Humor in the Court: Q. Did you ever stay all night with this...
Humor in the Court: Q. Did you ever stay all night with this man in New York? A. I refuse to answer that question. Q. Did you ever stay all night with this man in Chicago? A. I refuse to answer that question. Q. Did you ever stay all night with this man in Miami? A...

Humor in the Court: Q. Doctor, did you say he was shot in...
Humor in the Court: Q. Doctor, did you say he was shot in the woods? A. No, I said he was shot in the lumbar region.

Daily Fortunes for Sep 1, 2008
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