Daily Fortunes Feb 22, 2010 - motd.ambians.com Motd - Message of the Day
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Feb 22, 2010

The cost of living has just gone up another dollar a quart...
The cost of living has just gone up another dollar a quart. -- W.C. Fields

The father, passing through his son's college town late...
The father, passing through his son's college town late one evening on a business trip, thought he would pay his boy a suprise visit. Arriving at the lad's fraternity house, dad rapped loudly on the door. After several minutes of knocking, a sleepy voice drifted down from...

The mark of a good party is that you wake up the next morning...
The mark of a good party is that you wake up the next morning wanting to change your name and start a new life in different city. -- Vance Bourjaily, "Esquire"

The search for the perfect martini is a fraud. The perfect...
The search for the perfect martini is a fraud. The perfect martini is a belt of gin from the bottle; anything else is the decadent trappings of civilization. -- T.K.

The telephone is a good way to talk to people without having...
The telephone is a good way to talk to people without having to offer them a drink. -- Fran Lebowitz, "Interview"

Daily Fortunes for Feb 22, 2010
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