Daily Fortunes Oct 3, 2024 - motd.ambians.com Motd - Message of the Day
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Oct 3, 2024

When things are going well, someone will inevitably experiment...
When things are going well, someone will inevitably experiment detrimentally.

If not controlled, work will flow to the competent man until...
If not controlled, work will flow to the competent man until he submerges.

The deficiency will never show itself during the test runs.
The deficiency will never show itself during the test runs.

The lagging activity in a project will invariably be found...
The lagging activity in a project will invariably be found in the area where the highest overtime rates lie waiting.

It is impossible to build a fool proof system; because fools...
It is impossible to build a fool proof system; because fools are so ingenious.

Daily Fortunes for Oct 3, 2024
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