Freebsd Fortunes 2: 1030 of 1371 |
Academicians care, that's who.
Freebsd Fortunes 2: 1031 of 1371 |
A modern school where football is taught.
An archaic school where football is not taught.
Freebsd Fortunes 2: 1032 of 1371 |
Accent on helpful side of your nature. Drain the moat.
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Accept people for what they are -- completely unacceptable.
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An unsuccessful attempt to find bugs.
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Acceptance without proof is the fundamental characteristic of Western
religion. Rejection without proof is the fundamental characteristic
of Western science.
-- Gary Zukav, "The Dancing Wu Li Masters"
Freebsd Fortunes 2: 1036 of 1371 |
Acceptance without proof is the fundamental characteristic of Western
religion; rejection without proof is the fundamental characteristic of
Western science.
-- Gary Zukav, "The Dancing Wu Li Masters"
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A condition in which presence of mind is good,
but absence of body is better.
-- Foolish Dictionary
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Accidentally Shot
Colonel Gray, of Petaluma, came near losing his life a few days ago,
in a singular manner. A gentleman with whom he was hunting attempted to
bring down a dove, but instead of doing so put the load of shot through the
Colonel's hat. One shot took effect in his forehead.
-- Sacramento Daily Union, April 20, 1861
Freebsd Fortunes 2: 1039 of 1371 |
Accidents cause History.
If Sigismund Unbuckle had taken a walk in 1426 and met Wat Tyler, the
Peasant's Revolt would never have happened and the motor car would not
have been invented until 2026, which would have meant that all the oil
could have been used for lamps, thus saving the electric light bulb and
the whale, and nobody would have caught Moby Dick or Billy Budd.
-- Mike Harding, "The Armchair Anarchist's Almanac"