Freebsd Fortunes 2: 814 of 1371 |
A new koan:
If you have some ice cream, I will give it to you.
If you have no ice cream, I will take it away from you.
It is an ice cream koan.
Freebsd Fortunes 2: 815 of 1371 |
A new supply of round tuits has arrived and are available from Mary.
Anyone who has been putting off work until they got a `round tuit'
now has no excuse for further procrastination.
Freebsd Fortunes 2: 816 of 1371 |
A new taste had been acquired and a new appetite began to grow. The time
had long since arrived to crush the technical intelligentsia, which had
come to regard itself as too irreplaceable and had not gotten used to
catching instructions on the wing. In other words, we never did trust
the engineers - and from the very first years of the Revolution we saw to
it that those lackeys and servants of former capitalist bosses were kept
in line by healthy suspicion and surveillance by the workers.
-- Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, "The Gulag Archipelago"
Freebsd Fortunes 2: 817 of 1371 |
A New Way of Taking Pills
A physician one night in Wisconsin being disturbed by a burglar, and
having no ball or shot for his pistol, noiselessly loaded the weapon with
small, hard pills, and gave the intruder a "prescription" which he thinks
will go far towards curing the rascal of a very bad ailment.
-- Nevada Morning Transcript, January 30, 1861
Freebsd Fortunes 2: 818 of 1371 |
A New Yorker is riding down the road in his new Mercedes. So intent is he
on the cocaine in his hand he completely misses a turn and his car plunges
over the five-hundred-foot cliff to be smashed into pieces at the bottom.
As the on-lookers rush to the edge of the cliff they see him fifty feet
from the top of the cliff clinging to a stunted bush with all his strength.
"Dear Lord," he prays, "I never asked you for nothin' before, but I'm askin'
you now: Save me, Lord, save me."
Booms the Lord: "LET GO OF THE BRANCH."
"But Lord, if I do that, I'll fall!"
"But Lord, I'm gonna fall and die..."
Okay, Lord, I'll trust you, here I... here I go!" And he falls
to his death.
Freebsd Fortunes 2: 819 of 1371 |
A New Yorker was driving through Berkeley when he saw a big crowd gathered
by the side of the street. Curiosity got the better of him and he leaned
out of his window to ask an onlooker what was going on. The fellow explained
that a protestor against the U.S. position in South America had doused
himself with gasoline and set himself on fire. "That's terrible," gasped
the man. "But why is everyone still standing around?"
"Well, they're taking up a collection for his wife and kids," the
onlooker explained. "Would you be willing to help?"
"Well, sure," replied the New Yorker. "I suppose I could spare a
gallon or two."
Freebsd Fortunes 2: 820 of 1371 |
A newspaper is a circulating library with high blood pressure.
-- Arthure "Bugs" Baer
Freebsd Fortunes 2: 821 of 1371 |
A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore.
-- Yogi Berra
Freebsd Fortunes 2: 822 of 1371 |
A Nixon [is preferable to] a Dean Rusk -- who will be
passionately wrong with a high sense of consistency.
-- J.K. Galbraith
Freebsd Fortunes 2: 823 of 1371 |
A non-vegetarian anti-abortionist is a contradiction in terms.
-- Phyllis Schlafly