Daily Fortunes Mar 23, 2014 - motd.ambians.com Motd - Message of the Day
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Mar 23, 2014

Win98 is called Win98 because you need 98 MB RAM to install it.
Win98 is called Win98 because you need 98 MB RAM to install it.

Win98 is called Win98 because no matter how fast your computer...
Win98 is called Win98 because no matter how fast your computer is, Windoze will use up 98% of the system resources for itself.

Win98 is called Win98 because it is 98% slower than Linux.
Win98 is called Win98 because it is 98% slower than Linux.

Win98 is called Win98 because there is a 98% probability that...
Win98 is called Win98 because there is a 98% probability that it will crash during installation

Win98 is called Win98 because it will take 98 years until...
Win98 is called Win98 because it will take 98 years until the next version will be released - it was announced for 1999...

Daily Fortunes for Mar 23, 2014
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