Daily Fortunes Apr 11, 2014 - motd.ambians.com Motd - Message of the Day
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Apr 11, 2014

Teachers have class.
Teachers have class.

The 'A' is for content, the 'minus' is for not typing it...
The 'A' is for content, the 'minus' is for not typing it. Don't ever do this to my eyes again. -- Professor Ronald Brady, Philosophy, Ramapo State College

The alarm clock that is louder than God's own belongs to...
The alarm clock that is louder than God's own belongs to the roommate with the earliest class.

The average Ph.D thesis is nothing but the transference...
The average Ph.D thesis is nothing but the transference of bones from one graveyard to another. -- J. Frank Dobie, "A Texan in England"

The avocation of assessing the failures of better men can...
The avocation of assessing the failures of better men can be turned into a comfortable livelihood, providing you back it up with a Ph.D. -- Nelson Algren, "Writers at Work"

Daily Fortunes for Apr 11, 2014
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