Freebsd Fortunes 7
fortune: 692 - 701 of 1340 from freebsd fortunes 7
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Freebsd Fortunes 7

Fortune: 692 - 701 of 1340 from Freebsd Fortunes 7

Freebsd Fortunes 7:  692 of 1340

Woke up this morning, don't believe what I saw.  Hundred billion
bottles washed up on the shore.  Seems I never noted being alone.
Hundred billion castaways looking for a call.
Freebsd Fortunes 7:  693 of 1340

        A man who knows all the ankles.
Freebsd Fortunes 7:  694 of 1340

        An animal usually living in the vicinity of Man, and
        having a rudimentary susceptibility to domestication.
                -- Bierce
Freebsd Fortunes 7:  695 of 1340

Woman:      "Is Yoo-Hoo hyphenated?"
Yogi Berra: "No, ma'am, its not even carbonated."
Freebsd Fortunes 7:  696 of 1340

Woman are like elephants to me: I like to look at them, but I wouldn't
want to own one.
                -- W.C. Fields
Freebsd Fortunes 7:  697 of 1340

Woman inspires us to great things, and prevents us from achieving them.
                -- Dumas
Freebsd Fortunes 7:  698 of 1340

Woman is generally so bad that the difference
between a good and a bad woman scarcely exists.
                -- Tolstoy
Freebsd Fortunes 7:  699 of 1340

Woman on Street:        Sir, you are drunk; very, very drunk.
Winston Churchill:      Madame, you are ugly; very, very ugly.
                        I shall be sober in the morning.
Freebsd Fortunes 7:  700 of 1340

Woman was God's second mistake.
                -- Nietzsche
Freebsd Fortunes 7:  701 of 1340

Woman was taken out of man -- not out of his head, to rule over him; nor
out of his feet, to be trampled under by him; but out of his side, to be
equal to him -- under his arm, that he might protect her, and near his heart
that he might love her.
                -- Henry
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