Daily Fortunes Feb 13, 2013 - motd.ambians.com Motd - Message of the Day
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Feb 13, 2013

A psychiatrist is a person who will give you expensive answers...
A psychiatrist is a person who will give you expensive answers that your wife will give you for free.

A public debt is a kind of anchor in the storm; but if...
A public debt is a kind of anchor in the storm; but if the anchor be too heavy for the vessel, she will be sunk by that very weight which was intended for her preservation. -- Colton

A putt that stops close enough to the cup to inspire such...
A putt that stops close enough to the cup to inspire such comments as "you could blow it in" may be blown in. This rule does not apply if the ball is more than three inches from the hole, because no one wants to make a travesty of the game. --...

"A raccoon tangled with a 23,000 volt line today...
"A raccoon tangled with a 23,000 volt line today. The results blacked out 1400 homes and, of course, one raccoon." -- Steel City News

"A radioactive cat has eighteen half-lives."
"A radioactive cat has eighteen half-lives."

Daily Fortunes for Feb 13, 2013
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