Daily Fortunes Nov 6, 2019 - motd.ambians.com Motd - Message of the Day
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Nov 6, 2019

To live is always desirable. -- Eleen...
To live is always desirable. -- Eleen the Capellan, "Friday's Child", stardate 3498.9

Too much of anything, even love, isn't necessarily a good...
Too much of anything, even love, isn't necessarily a good thing. -- Kirk, "The Trouble with Tribbles", stardate 4525.6

Totally illogical, there was no chance. --...
Totally illogical, there was no chance. -- Spock, "The Galileo Seven", stardate 2822.3

Uncontrolled power will turn even saints into savages. And...
Uncontrolled power will turn even saints into savages. And we can all be counted on to live down to our lowest impulses. -- Parmen, "Plato's Stepchildren", stardate 5784.3

Violence in reality is quite different from theory...
Violence in reality is quite different from theory. -- Spock, "The Cloud Minders", stardate 5818.4

Daily Fortunes for Nov 6, 2019
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