Daily Fortunes Feb 19, 2019 - motd.ambians.com Motd - Message of the Day
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Feb 19, 2019

Kafka's Law: In the fight between you and the world,...
Kafka's Law: In the fight between you and the world, back the world. -- Franz Kafka, "RS's 1974 Expectation of Days"

Kamikazes do it once.
Kamikazes do it once.

KANSAS: Where the men are men and so are the women!
KANSAS: Where the men are men and so are the women!

Karlson's Theorem of Snack Food Packages: For all P, where...
Karlson's Theorem of Snack Food Packages: For all P, where P is a package of snack food, P is a SINGLE-SERVING package of snack food. Gibson the Cat's Corrolary: For all L, where L is a package of lunch meat, L is Gibson's package of lunch meat.

Kath: Can he be present at the birth of his child? Ed: It's...
Kath: Can he be present at the birth of his child? Ed: It's all any reasonable child can expect if the dad is present at the conception. -- Joe Orton, "Entertaining Mr. Sloane"

Daily Fortunes for Feb 19, 2019
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