Freebsd Murphys Law: 814 of 833 |
On a clear disk, you can seek forever.
Freebsd Murphys Law: 815 of 833 |
Hollerith got us into this hole mess!
Freebsd Murphys Law: 816 of 833 |
No major project is ever installed on time, within budgets,
with the same staff that started it. Yours will not be the
Freebsd Murphys Law: 817 of 833 |
When things are going well, something will go wrong.
When things just can't get any worse, they will.
When things appear to be going better you have overlooked
Freebsd Murphys Law: 818 of 833 |
If project content is allowed to change freely, the rate of
change will exceed the rate of progress.
Freebsd Murphys Law: 819 of 833 |
No system is ever completely debugged: Attempts to debug
a system will inevitably introduce new bugs that are even
harder to find.
Freebsd Murphys Law: 820 of 833 |
A carelessly planned project will take three times
longer than expected; a carefully planned project will
take only twice as long.
Freebsd Murphys Law: 821 of 833 |
After all is said and done, a hell of a lot more is said
than done
Freebsd Murphys Law: 822 of 833 |
If it's not in the computer, it doesn't exist.
Freebsd Murphys Law: 823 of 833 |
Never wrestle with a pig; you both get dirty, and the pig
likes it!