Daily FortunesJul 7, 2013
The distinction between Jewish and goyish can be quite subtle,... The distinction between Jewish and goyish can be quite subtle, as the
following quote from Lenny Bruce illustrates:
"I'm Jewish. Count Basie's Jewish. Ray Charles is Jewish.
Eddie Cantor's goyish. The B'nai Brith is goyish. The Hadassah is
Jewish. Marine...
The Fifth Rule:
You have taken yourself too seriously.
The Fifth Rule:
You have taken yourself too seriously.
The First Rule of Program Optimization:
Don't... The First Rule of Program Optimization:
Don't do it.
The Second Rule of Program Optimization (for experts only!):
Don't do it yet.
-- Michael Jackson
The five rules of Socialism:
(1) Don't think... The five rules of Socialism:
(1) Don't think.
(2) If you do think, don't speak.
(3) If you think and speak, don't write.
(4) If you think, speak and write, don't sign.
(5) If you think, speak, write and sign, don't be surprised...
The Following Subsume All Physical and Human Laws:
(1)... The Following Subsume All Physical and Human Laws:
(1) You can't push on a string.
(2) Ain't no free lunches.
(3) Them as has, gets.
(4) You can't win them all, but you sure as hell can lose them all.
Daily Fortunes for Jul 7, 2013