Daily Fortunes Dec 5, 2019 - motd.ambians.com Motd - Message of the Day
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Dec 5, 2019

For a light heart lives long. -- Shakespeare,...
For a light heart lives long. -- Shakespeare, "Love's Labour's Lost"

For adult education nothing beats children.
For adult education nothing beats children.

For ages, a deadly conflict has been waged between a few brave...
For ages, a deadly conflict has been waged between a few brave men and women of thought and genius upon the one side, and the great ignorant religious mass on the other. This is the war between Science and Faith. The few have appealed to reason, to honor, to law,...

For an idea to be fashionable is ominous, since it must...
For an idea to be fashionable is ominous, since it must afterwards be always old-fashioned.

For certain people, after fifty, litigation takes the place...
For certain people, after fifty, litigation takes the place of sex. -- Gore Vidal

Daily Fortunes for Dec 5, 2019
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