Daily Fortunes Apr 29, 2018 - motd.ambians.com Motd - Message of the Day
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Apr 29, 2018

Better to use medicines at the outset than at the last moment.
Better to use medicines at the outset than at the last moment.

Certain old men prefer to rise at dawn, taking a cold bath...
Certain old men prefer to rise at dawn, taking a cold bath and a long walk with an empty stomach and otherwise mortifying the flesh. They then point with pride to these practices as the cause of their sturdy health and ripe years; the truth being that they are hearty...

Cure the disease and kill the patient. --...
Cure the disease and kill the patient. -- Francis Bacon

Death has been proven to be 99% fatal in laboratory rats.
Death has been proven to be 99% fatal in laboratory rats.

Dental health is next to mental health.
Dental health is next to mental health.

Daily Fortunes for Apr 29, 2018
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