Daily Fortunes Oct 2, 2014 - motd.ambians.com Motd - Message of the Day
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Oct 2, 2014

love, n.: When you don't want someone...
love, n.: When you don't want someone too close--because you're very sensitive to pleasure.

love, n.: When you like to think of someone on days...
love, n.: When you like to think of someone on days that begin with a morning.

love, n.: When, if asked to choose between your lover ...
love, n.: When, if asked to choose between your lover and happiness, you'd skip happiness in a heartbeat.

love, v.: I'll let you play with my life if you'll...
love, v.: I'll let you play with my life if you'll let me play with yours.

Lowery's Law: If it jams -- force it. If it breaks,...
Lowery's Law: If it jams -- force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.

Daily Fortunes for Oct 2, 2014
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