Daily Fortunes Oct 10, 2014 - motd.ambians.com Motd - Message of the Day
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Oct 10, 2014

> No manual is ever necessary. May I politely interject...
> No manual is ever necessary. May I politely interject here: BULLSHIT. That's the biggest Apple lie of all! (Discussion in comp.os.linux.misc on the intuitiveness of interfaces.)

Not me, guy. I read the Bash man page each day like a Jehovah's...
Not me, guy. I read the Bash man page each day like a Jehovah's Witness reads the Bible. No wait, the Bash man page IS the bible. Excuse me... (More on confusing aliases, taken from comp.os.linux.misc)

"Note that if I can get you to \"su and say\"...
"Note that if I can get you to \"su and say\" something just by asking, you have a very serious security problem on your system and you should look into it." (By Paul Vixie, vixie-cron 3.0.1 installation notes)

Now I know someone out there is going to claim, "Well...
Now I know someone out there is going to claim, "Well then, UNIX is intuitive, because you only need to learn 5000 commands, and then everything else follows from that! Har har har!" (Andy Bates in comp.os.linux.misc, on "intuitive interfaces",...

Now, it we had this sort of thing: yield -a for yield...
Now, it we had this sort of thing: yield -a for yield to all traffic yield -t for yield to trucks yield -f for yield to people walking (yield foot) yield -d t* for yield on days starting with t ...you'd have a lot of dead people at intersections,...

Daily Fortunes for Oct 10, 2014
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