Daily Fortunes Oct 29, 2014 - motd.ambians.com Motd - Message of the Day
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Oct 29, 2014

Fools rush in -- and get the best seats in the house.
Fools rush in -- and get the best seats in the house.

Football builds self-discipline. What else would induce...
Football builds self-discipline. What else would induce a spectator to sit out in the open in subfreezing weather?

Football combines the two worst features of American life...
Football combines the two worst features of American life. It is violence punctuated by committee meetings. -- George F. Will, "Men At Work: The Craft of Baseball"

Football is a game designed to keep coalminers off...
Football is a game designed to keep coalminers off the streets. -- Jimmy Breslin

For a holy stint, a moth of the cloth gave up his woolens...
For a holy stint, a moth of the cloth gave up his woolens for lint.

Daily Fortunes for Oct 29, 2014
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