Daily Fortunes Oct 13, 2014 - motd.ambians.com Motd - Message of the Day
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Oct 13, 2014

Peace was the way. -- Kirk, "The City...
Peace was the way. -- Kirk, "The City on the Edge of Forever", stardate unknown

Power is danger. -- The Centurion,...
Power is danger. -- The Centurion, "Balance of Terror", stardate 1709.2

Prepare for tomorrow -- get ready. -- Edith...
Prepare for tomorrow -- get ready. -- Edith Keeler, "The City On the Edge of Forever", stardate unknown

Punishment becomes ineffective after a certain point...
Punishment becomes ineffective after a certain point. Men become insensitive. -- Eneg, "Patterns of Force", stardate 2534.7

Respect is a rational process -- McCoy,...
Respect is a rational process -- McCoy, "The Galileo Seven", stardate 2822.3

Daily Fortunes for Oct 13, 2014
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