Daily Fortunes Oct 3, 2014 - motd.ambians.com Motd - Message of the Day
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Daily Fortunes

Oct 3, 2014

Do not read this fortune under penalty of law. Violators will...
Do not read this fortune under penalty of law. Violators will be prosecuted. (Penal Code sec. 2.3.2 (II.a.))

For 20 dollars, I'll give you a good fortune next time ...
For 20 dollars, I'll give you a good fortune next time ...

For some reason, this fortune reminds everyone of Marvin...
For some reason, this fortune reminds everyone of Marvin Zelkowitz.

Fortune's current rates: Answers ...
Fortune's current rates: Answers .10 Long answers .25 Answers requiring thought .50 Correct answers $1.00 Dumb looks are still free.

Generic Fortune.
Generic Fortune.

Daily Fortunes for Oct 3, 2014
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